Hartlepool Healthy Start Vitamins

Please note that you must be registered as a provider before supplying this service.. If you have not completed the training required and registered as a provider, YOU WILL NOT BE PAID FOR PROVIDING THIS SERVICE.


The main aims of the service are to;

  • provide(free) Healthy Start vitamins from any willing and contracted community pharmacy in exchange for green Healthy Start Vitamin Vouchers
  • facilitate the opportunity for the sale of Healthy Start vitamins to clinically eligible pregnant or postnatal women, and parents/ carers of clinically eligible children who are not in receipt of national healthy start voucher;


The vitamins may be supplied free of charge only in exchange for the green national Healthy Start Voucher. Such supplies should be recorded on the updated Healthy Start pharmoutcomes template and you will receive reimbursement for the vitamins supplied and a fee per supply ( £1 +VAT).

*NB Healthy start vitamin cards & admin forms are no longer used.

If a customer is not in receipt of a national voucher we are asking that you have a stock available to sell.  These should be sold at £2.30 for drops and £1.15 for tablets. Sales should not be recorded on Pharmoutcomes.

Vitamins are available to purchase through wholesalers – over the last few months Alliance prices have consistently remained at 0.81 for women’s and 1.66 for children’s ( although AAH and Phoenix have fluctuated and increased particularly AAH). The price you are reimbursed via Pharmoutcomes is £0.81 and £1.66.

Please note Healthy Start Vitamins are recommended for the following groups

  • all women who are at least 10 weeks pregnant
  • all new mothers with a child under 1 year old
  • children from birth until their fourth birthday* 

* Children who are having 500ml or more of formula a day do not need Healthy Start Vitamins.

Example of national green Healthy Start voucher

Family centres (formerly known as Children's Centres) - Breastfeeding in Sheffield



List of pharmacy providers-