COVID VACCINATION – Useful contacts

National Support Services

Contacts and service description

MYS Queries

Log a query or issue regarding MYS


PCN/ GP Email:

Pinnacle Queries

Log a query or issue regarding Pinnacle

Foundry Queries

Log a query or issue regarding Foundry

Eva Health

Log a query or issue regarding Foundry 

Vaccination Operational Data helpdesk

Log a query or issue with Foundry or request access.

Vaccine Data Resolution Service at this LINK.

0300 561 0017 – Established to resolve missing or incorrect vaccination records for people registered with a GP practice in England and vaccinated in England, Scotland or Wales.

Overseas Vaccine Validation Service at this LINK.

This service is available through the NBS and 119 for patients to book appointments.

Consumables and delivery queries at this LINK.

Email: Contact SVOC using a SQT.

Delivery schedules at this LINK.

Obtained through Foundry and Vaccine Supply Chain 360.

NHS Futures at this LINK.

Here you will find links to key information across the three national delivery programmes – Hospital Hubs, Vaccination Centres and Local Vaccination Services (PCNs & Community Pharmacies).

You can also visit NHS England Covid-19 Vaccination Programme for all the latest published guidance and letters.